Warrant to practice Law in Malta

In order to obtain a Warrant to practice Law in Malta, one must satisfy all the requirements stipulated in article 81 of the Code of Organization and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12) which states that the graduate:

(a) is a fit and proper person as recommended by the Committee

(b) is of good conduct and good morals, and is not or has not engaged in or is not or has not been associated with any activity or practice which in the view of the Committee is not compatible with the exercise of the legal profession or has not otherwise conducted himself in such a manner which casts doubt on his honesty and integrity;

(c) is a citizen of Malta or of a Member State or is otherwise permitted to work in Malta under any law;

(d) has obtained the academic degree in law in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of the University of Malta, or such other qualification as the Minister, after consultation with the Committee, may from time to time prescribe, or a comparable degree from such other competent authority in accordance with the principles of mutual recognition of qualifications, after having read law in Malta or in a Member State;

(e) has, after satisfying the requirement of paragraph (d), or, in the case of persons regularly following the academical course of law in the University of Malta, at any time after the commencement of the last academic year of the said course, for a period of not less than one year regularly attended at the office of a practising advocate of the Bar of Malta and at the sittings of the superior courts;

(f) possesses a full knowledge of the Maltese language as being the language of the courts;

(g) has been duly examined and approved by two judges who shall issue, under their signature and seal, a certificate attesting that they have found him to possess the qualifications mentioned in paragraphs (b) to (e) and that he is competent to exercise the profession of advocate in the courts of Malta.



This examination is held in the Maltese language and is divided in two parts: a written exam and an oral exam.

Two sessions of the warrant exam are held  and both sessions are presently held at the Courts of Justice.

The dates of the written exam are published in the Government Gazette.

Dates of the Oral Exam will only be issued following the completion of the written exam.





Examination for the Warrants to Exercise the Profession of Advocate and the Profession of Legal Procurator

It is hereby notified for general information that the forthcoming sessions of the written part of the examinations for the Warrant to exercise the profession of Advocate and for the Warrant to practice the profession as a Legal Procurator will be held on the following dates:

Saturday, 6th April, 2024 (Applications to be submitted from 7th February, 2024 from 9.00am till noon of 21st February, 2024) and,

Saturday, 28th September 2024 (Applications to be submitted from 16th September, 2024 till noon of 23rd September, 2024).

Applications together with the documents in terms of article 81 and 87 of Chapter 12 of the Laws of Malta are to be submitted to the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals by the closing dates for applications listed above.

The following documents are to be submitted together with the application:

  1. Police Conduct certificate
  2. Copy of identity card
  3. Declaration from an advocate in terms of article 81(1)(e) and in terms of article 87(d) of Chapter 12 of the Laws of Malta with regards to applications for the warrant exam of Legal Procurator.
  4. Letter from the Faculty of Laws of the University of Malta stating that the applicant will graduate as a lawyer or legal procurator on the 12th of March, 2024
  5. Document confirming that the applicant submitted the application to the Committee for Advocates and Legal Procurators for an assessment as to whether they are fit and proper persons to be admitted to the practice of the legal profession.

Application for the fit and proper assessment may be accessed through the website: https://courts.gov.mt/

Issued in the Government Gazzette on 6th February 2024



Eżami għall-Warrants għall-Eżerċizzju tal-Professjoni ta’ Avukat u tal-Professjoni ta’ Prokuratur Legali

Ngħarrfu għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd li s-sessjonijiet li jmiss għall-parti bil-miktub tal-eżamijiet għall-Warrant biex persuna teżerċita l-professjoni ta’ Avukat u biex teżerċita l-professjoni ta’ Prokuratur Legali ser isiru f’dawn id-dati:

Is-Sibt, fis-6 t’ April, 2024, (L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jiġu sottomessi mis-7 ta’ Frar, 2024 mid-9.00am sa nofsinhar tal-21 ta’ Frar, 2024) u,

Is-Sibt, fit-28 ta’ Settembru, 2024 (L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jiġu sottomessi mis-16 ta’ Settembru, 2024 mid-9.00 am sa nofsinhar tat23 ta’ Settembru, 2024)

L-applikazzjoni flimkien mad-dokumenti li jsostnu r-rekwiżiti mitluba mil-liġi ai termini tal-artikolu 81 u 87 tal-Kapitlu 12 tal-Ligijiet ta’ Malta għandhom jiġu sottomessi lir-Reġistratur tal-Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali sad-dati tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjonijiet fuq imsemmija.

Id-dokumenti li ghandhom jigu prezentati flimkien mal-applikazzjoni jikkonsistu fis-segwenti:

  1. Certifikat tal-kondotta
  2. Kopja tal-karta tal-identita`
  3. Dikjarazzjoni minn avukat ai termini tal-artikolu 81 (1)(e) u f’kaz t’applikazzjoni għal ezami tal-warrant ta’ prokuratur legali ai termini tal-artikolu 87(d) tal-Kapitlu 12 tal-Ligijiet ta’ Malta.
  4. Ittra mill-Fakulta tal-Ligi fl-Universita` ta’ Malta li tikkonferma illi l-applikant se jiggradwa avukat jew prokuratur legali fit-12 ta’ Marzu, 2024
  5. Ricevuta li tikkonferma li l-applikant/a issottometta l-applikazzjoni lil Kumitat għall-assessjar dwar jekk humiex persuni tajbin u xierqa biex jiġu ammessi għall-prattika tal-professjoni legali u dan ai termini tal-artikolu 81(1)(a) u (b) tal-Kap 12 tal-Ligijiet ta’ Malta.

L-access biex tigi sottomessa l-applikazzjoni lil-Kumitat għall-assessjar huwa mis-sit https://courts.gov.mt/

Maħruġ fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern fis-6 ta’ Frar 2024



Warrant Exam Papers 2023

Warrant Exam papers 2022

Warrant Exam – 28.07.2021

Warrant Exam – 27.02.2021

Warrant Exam – 10.07.2020

Warrant Exam papers – 06.01.20

Warrant Exam papers – 29.07.19

Warrant Exam papers – 07.01.19

Warrant Exam papers – 27.07.18


Warrant Exam Papers 2003- July 2017




Any person misplacing their warrant should send an email to info.justicedepartment@gov.mt in order to initiate a process to issue a certified true copy of the original warrant.