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Freelance Translation with the ECJ – 1.12.2017

December 1, 2017 @ 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Update, future developments and administrative information for current and prospective translators

The aim of this presentation is to help newly contracted translators with the Court of Justice of the EU, as well as future prospective translators, understand the administrative and procedural systems used by the ECJ in its contractual relations with freelance translators. It also aims to explain the legal translation methods adopted by the Maltese language unit of the Court of Justice, so as to give an understanding of the work expected by the freelance translators.

The main points will therefore concern:

  • an update on the current call for application which was published in the beginning of the year;
  • the administrative procedure to be followed by freelancers in their contacts with the ECJ;
  • the newly established guidelines for legal translation with the ECJ, as well as other  sources of information and terminology.
  • any clarification of these points and of others which might arise

The meeting will be addressed by Dr. Christopher Vella, lawyer linguist, who coordinated the selection process for the current call for application, and Dr. Karl Sammut, lawyer linguist quality coordinator at the Maltese Language unit at the ECJ. Both will be able to address issues and questions on this subject.

Kindly call on 21248601/ 77248601 to confirm attendance or email on events@avukati.org


Joseph Izzo Clarke

Head – Maltese Language Division

Court of Justice of the European Union





Traduzzjoni esterna mal-QTĠ: Aġġornament, żviluppi futuri u informazzjoni amministrattiva għal tradutturi kurrenti u prospettivi

L-iskop ta’ din il-preżentazzjoni hija li tippermetti li tradutturi taħt il-kuntratt il-ġdid mal-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja tal-UE, kif ukoll tradutturi futuri prospettivi, jifhmu s-sistemi proċedurali u amministrattivi adottati mill-QTĠ fir-relazzjonijiet kuntrattwali mat-tradutturi esterni. Hija tfittex ukoll tispjega l-metodi ta’ traduzzjoni legali adottati mid-Diviżjoni tal-ilsien Malti tal-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja, sabiex tagħti idea tax-xogħol mistenni mit-tradutturi esterni.

Il-punti prinċipali għaldaqstant ser jikkonċernaw:

  • aġġornament dwar is-sejħa għal offerti kurrenti, li ġiet ippubblikata fil-bidu tas-sena;
  • il-proċedura amministrattiva li għandha tiġi segwita mit-tradutturi esterni fil-kuntatti tagħhom mal-QTĠ;
  • il-Linji Gwida l-ġodda għat-traduzzjoni legali mal-QTĠ, kif ukoll sorsi oħra ta’ informazzjoni u terminoloġija.
  • Kull kjarifika li dak li jkun jista’ jagħmel dwar dawn il-punti, kif ukoll punti oħrajn.

Il-laqgħa ser tiġi indirizzata minn Dott. Dr. Christopher Vella, ġurista lingwista, li kkoordina l-proċess ta’ selezzjoni tas-sejħa għal offerti kurrenti, u Dott. Karl Sammut, ġurista lingwista, koordinatur tal-kwalità fid-Diviżjoni tal-ilsien Malti fil-QTĠ. It-tnejn ikunu jistgħu jirrispondu għal kull kwistjoni u mistoqsija fuq dan is-suġġett.

Jekk jogħġbok ċempel fuq 21248601/ 77248601 sabiex tikkonferma l-parteċipazzjoni tiegħek, jew ibgħat messaġġ lil events@avukati.org


Joseph Izzo Clarke

Kap – Diviżjoni tal-Ilsien Malti

Il-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja tal-Unjoni Ewropea



December 1, 2017
2:30 pm - 5:30 pm


Chamber of Advocates
Courts of Justice. Republic Street
+ Google Map
21248601/ 77248601
© chamber of Advocates